Friday, February 19, 2010

Let's Get One Thing Straight....

SO much Buzz about same sex marriage and homosexuals in the military on FaceBook and main stream media.

I am always in awe that this is an issue in America.

Marriage may have been a sacred contract between a man and a woman and God to live a life of love. 

It has nothing to do with money.  It has nothing to do with the state.  I am not sure it has much to do with spirituality at this point.  Same sex unions were not illegal until 324 B.C.E about the time authentic Christian sects started being annihilated (Gnostics) and marriage was not a Roman Catholic sacrament until 1200s about the time they killed the good Christians in France (Cathars).  

I have to disclose my own superstition and fascination with the idea that the word "Marriage" derives from the commitment of "Mary Magdelaine" to Jesus of Nazareth.  That there is a fascinating spiritual alchemy that occurs between a man an woman partnered and dedicated to Love.  That there were really 24 apostles not 12- the guys and their spouses.  And that this was common knowledge in early christianity hence the term to "get MARRIed" is totally different from Roman legal terms for matrimony e.g. conventio in manum or sine manu or all the world's names for state sponsored and various church dictated non common law control mechanisms to limit and manipulate the distribution of wealth and sex.

America achieved greatness by protecting the right of individuals from the tyrannical superstitions ("morals") of competing colonial religious sects.  Why just a generation or two before the Bill of Rights people in London were executed for eating meat on Fridays.  Hasn't humanity fought this battle against superstitious misguided control mechanisms enough times?

Why any so called conservative in America would want to pollute a perfectly good republican democracy with superstitious regulations is unfathomable.  

That one person can make another his attorney, give durable power of attorney for medical matters, designate a trusted person to inherit wealth is simple government.  Simple:  Civil matrimony. What is the problem?

That any so called Christian would want to sully the beautiful concept of marriage with the state's extraction of wealth (taxes) from citizens is an abandonment of core principles.   If there is a sectarian religious dimension to it please please demonstrate it.

That any thoughtful person would want to restrict the ability of others to love and make commitments and manage affairs legally is hubris. "Mind your own business" should be the response of the 10 per cent of God's children that have to endure the bullying of self-rightious lost souls trying to regulate "marriage."

With regard to the military all I have to say is that honorable conduct should be rewarded and anything less not tolerated.  Nothing to do with creed, race or sexuality is a barrier to honorable service.  Regarding performance? The Roman army brutally conquered the known world and were primarily vegetarian bisexuals with swords.  No playstation controlled drones. Just man on man.

For Levity:

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