Tuesday, January 22, 2013

500 to 1000
Thats what it takes for all the chocolate
of my Soul to be nibbled away

250 I start to feel it.
Like a healing herb
with much of its leaves
eaten by locusts

It takes days to regrow and
like a blade of grass coming up fresh I am very fragile

I need to breathe life in
one breath
At a time

anyone within 50 feet
stifles the growth...sets it back.

vigilance and fear

Is this mental illness?
It is situational...all I need is solitude
breathing it back
And I am creative
I am fun
I am capable.
I am loving

Same as everyone I suppose
why do we deny this to eachother?
It is what we crave.

By 1000 people
My last leaf is trembling.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Common Sense Lawful Defense

How can we pretend there is a rational debate when the phrase "gun control" is mentioned without listing the previous centuries genocides associated with it in Armenia, Russia, Germany, China, et cetera?

When a "debate" is framed by non citizen entertainers antagonizing showmen on a forum interrupted by ads for toothpaste and car insurance.

When the "debate" is supposed to promulgate illegal legislation to change the seed agreements of our prosperous civilization.

Mind you the event precipitating the debate has not been fully investigated yet.  Normally a 2 week period...all records have been sealed for 90 days.

To date our press or Main Stream Media has shown photos of dead Al Caida members, children dead from the flu epidemic, but not a shell casing or drop of blood from Sandy Hook.  No autopsy reports.  No timeline that corresponds to the released nine-one-one tapes.  No surveillance camera tape.  And we are expected to support the castration of only hope for humanity.

What can I possibly mean by the "only hope for humanity?"  The hope that principled and heart centered people can control the US military and financial sector.
A free and critical press and an armed populace are the only things that can keep unlimited power in check.
Certainly in America we do not tolerate police brutality.  Around the world it is another story.

Think our government's force is nice?  Responsive to the needs of humanity?

Agent Orange cancers in Veterans and Vietnamese alike continue.
White phosphorous weapons are not even talked about.  What exactly does a drone strike do?   Depleted Uranium in Fallujah has caused 1/2 pregnancies to terminate early and more than 1/2  that come to term have serious birth defects.
What prevents that kind of firepower and toxic warfare from arriving on Main Street?  I'll tell you: Men who took oaths and have guns.  Good people need to have weapons that intimidate the state.  I say the state not because I am not hopelessly grateful for the American system of governance but because it is always under threat of manipulation by less than benevolent influences.  Good people need to have weapons that intimidate and therefore deter those malevolent influences of our free state.  If not--Armenia, Russia, Germany, China et cetera.

Unless by "gun control" advocates are referring to the practice of using two hands to steady ones weapon in common sense lawful defense of self, family, community and or humanity.

No one hugs like the people of Esalen.

This is the comment I imagine leaving at the end of the Esalen seminar I really want to attend but cannot afford at the moment:


I remember when Esalen was a place for Heart centered living.
A place to heal and to find limits and bolt beyond them.

A community where ethical explorers created massage and psychic modalities,
Grew healthful food and medicine beyond the shackles of Big Agra and Pharma,
A place too far South and far too beautiful for the religious and political police to patrol.
A shinning community on a hill-- A hope for the world.

Now it is just a run down spa with a bitchy office staff.

...but the DJs are good.  And the poets. And the dancers.  And the gardeners.  And the cooks.  And the people cleaning and groundskeeping with light in their eyes...and no one hugs like the people of Esalen.
